Map out your nutritional freedom.


What is Voyager?

Voyager Nutrition is a company that specializes in helping clients reach their nutritional goals. Whether that be shedding extra pounds, feeling more mobile or energetic, increasing athletic performance or you just want to change it up, Voyager is here to help! You will work with a certified nutrition specialist to help you along your journey.


How does it work?

Clients will receive specialized and individually tailored nutrition advice, planning, information and goals.

is this a “diet program”?

Every individual is different! We do not believe in prescribing any particular diet but instead helping clients to learn about different options that will help them achieve their goals.

Will I be able to explore different dietary options (keto, plant-based, etc.)?

Voyager Nutrition promotes ownership of the nutrition recalibrating process so you get to choose the kinds of food and eating that fits your lifestyle, schedule and budget best. If you are interested in exploring a specific “diet type” (Keto, Paleo, Zone, Mediterranean, Plant-Based, Carnivore etc.) then Voyager Nutrition can help you map these options out step-by-step!


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Nutrition Plans

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